I’ve felt silly, even apologetic that I’ve been re-inventing myself – again, at my age – which is old enuf to know who I am by now.  But things change.  I no longer need to juggle three balls, spin two plates while tap dancing on a moving floor, just to pay my bills.  I guess I’ve gone into “retirement.”  I could do nothing and I would still keep my little boat afloat.  I need very little and my expenses are minimal.  So I felt silly to be looking for what I was doing with my life, when “Doing Nothing” would suffice.

But I have never worked for money.  I needed it, got paid for my services, but making money has never been my motivation to work. I was on a journey, the Little Pilgrim on her way, untangling the knot of a crazy childhood, looking for work that was healing, that used my G*d-given gifts, helped me develop them and gave me a way to help others get turned on to theirs – that was ENUF.  Money came into the picture, too just so that I could keep on going in the direction that my heart took me.

I believe retirement is for people who hate their work, or who do work just to get paid.  I LOVE my work.  I am not really interested in retiring.  I want to keep doing my work as long as I am alive and capable.  I’ve only gotten better with my years of practice.  Now is a good time for me to be passing on to others the tools that my mentors gave me (which had been given them by their teachers and they then built upon).

Of all the magical, transformative experiences I have been given and then recreated for others is to have a theater group comprised of people with different ages. Something special happens when people of the same age group have a safe space to play together.  But when members of the group span ages from seven to seventy the learning from each other happens with an additional depth of interconnectedness that is rare in our segmented and segregated society.  Ideally, the group is multi-ethnic and inter-racial, as well.  Just the level of trust that must develop for an Improv ensemble to work well together is worth the price of admission.

So that’s my new direction.  I will create opportunities for people of different ages and backgrounds to get into the safe space I have learned to create in my playshops.  That is my “Next Stage” and perhaps yours, too.  I can’t wait to PLAY!!!  My next group will be on Sunday, August 26th, 1:00 – 3:00 pm. If you are interested please email or call me and I’ll tell you more: 415.235.4584. 

About marciakimmell

I act, direct and teach acting & improvisataional theater. My theater and school, The Next Stage is based now in the East Bay, but I will go wherever I am called to share improvisational Theater games or whatever way I can use my gifts as an actor, director or teacher. Until last year I was teaching & directing at Overcomers With Hope (OWH) Television Studios, a community-based, video production facility in Oakland. I was exec. producer for a topical television show, WAKE UP OAKLAND! - Bullying now on YouTube. I am now working on a one-woman, autobiographical theater piece, DON'T GET ME STARTED, as well as on a new musical, See In general, my work is focused on using the Performing Arts to develop human potential.
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